This is the reference documentation for the protocol layers supported by nuff. For a detailed description of these layers and how to use them, see "nuff doc language".
eth is the nuff layer "Ethernet".
eth is not post-processed.
Initial verifier: (>= (strlen x) 14)
ip4 is the nuff layer "Internet Protocol version 4".
ip4 is post-processed by ip4-post.
Initial verifier: (and (>= (strlen x) 20) (= 4 (getint x 0 4)))
udp is the nuff layer "User Datagram Protocol".
udp is not post-processed.
Initial verifier: (>= (strlen x) 8)
cooked4 is the nuff layer "IPv4 Cooked Format".
cooked4 is not post-processed.
Initial verifier: (>= (strlen x) 6)
icmp4 is the nuff layer "Internet Control Message Protocol for IPv4".
icmp4 is not post-processed.
icmp4/echo is the nuff layer "ICMP Echo Request".
icmp4/echo is not post-processed.
icmp4/timxceed is the nuff layer "ICMP Time Exceeded".
icmp4/timxceed is not post-processed.
icmp4/unreach is the nuff layer "ICMP Unreachable".
icmp4/unreach is not post-processed.
dns is the nuff layer "Domain Name System".
dns is not post-processed.
Initial verifier: (>= (strlen x) 12)
All material is © Doug Hoyte and/or HCSW Labs unless otherwise noted or implied.